Writing new content can be hard. Even if you know your subject matter like the back of your hand, it’s not always easy to put pen to paper.

In this short article, I want to offer up a simple format that you can easily deploy in every single article you ever write. Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • Tips on finding the best topics to write about
  • How to organize your thoughts for readers (and for Google)
  • Explain how writing content might be much easier than you might think

Here’s a PDF Version of these tips so you can hang it on your wall or share with your colleague who could use some help with writer’s block.

Grab the PDF version

So, what should I write about?

Think of your ideal customers

Write about stuff you’re hearing on the front lines. Questions, challenges, apspirations that real people in your world are asking about and dealing with.

Go WAY more basic than you think

I’m talking REALLY basic. Most companies publish content about complex topics in your space in order to sound smart. Do the opposite. It’s easier to write about AND your audience probably will appreciate your speaking on their level.

Save the sales pitches for the sidebar

self serving content isn’t sharable or linkable. Be helpful, and let the calls to action on your website handle next steps. Don’t interrupt with commercials.

No fluff

Don’t write words to fill space. It’s a waste of your time, and you’re also wasting your readers’ time. Keep it concise.

Organizing your article makes it easy…

For everyone involved, some basic structure will help everyone get to the stuff they care about quickly. Plus, search engines love it…so it might help you grab some SEO rankings. Here’s an article on how search engine optimization works if you’re interested.

The Lead Paragraph: Clarity is key

Don’t write words to fill space. It’s a waste of your time, and you’re also wasting your readers’ time. Keep it concise.

intro paragraph
article body format

The Body: Break it down into 3 sub-topics

Don’t write words to fill space. It’s a waste of your time, and you’re also wasting your readers’ time. Keep it concise…go deep and narrow rather than broad and general. You can always write another article. 

The Takeaway: Wrap it up nice and tight

Here’s where we tell them what we just told them. In summary, here’s what we learned about X, and how you can use it to impact your life. Some readers will jump right to this part after skimming headlines. Clean and concise is best. Sometimes you might reference related topics or link to other articles to keep things going…or not. Your call.

article summary guide

In Summary…

Basically, use your real world experience to draw on new topic ideas. The stuff that actual customers are asking you about are the same things they’re searching for online. Give it to them.

In my experience, everyone feels like they need to write about complicated stuff. Don’t.

Keep it simple…it’s easier for you, and chances are that your audience isn’t as well versed in your space as you think. They’ll thank you for it.

Basic structure helps you organize your thoughts and helps readers get to the stuff they want to know about quickly. Sub-headers are awesome for both humans and search engines.

See what I’m doing here? Yep, this article has the same structure I’m recommending. It’s nothing new, but I hope it’s super helpful for you. Good luck!