Keynote: Winning Market Share
If we look at the world’s most successful B2B businesses – i.e., Microsoft, IBM, Well Fargo, and UPS – there’s one extremely interesting commonality: They target end consumers, not to the businesses they are ultimately prospecting.

Why Bother Creating Fresh Content for My Website?
Nobody likes to ride on the same boring path every day. Tell your website visitors something they don't know...that'll help them answer a question, resolve a challenge, or give them a pathway toward something better.

SEO: What are Image Alt Tags and Why Do They Matter?
Alt tags, or alternative text, are a piece of HTML code that is added to an image on a website to provide a text alternative for search engines.

Simple 5-Part Format for Every Article You Write
Writing new content can be hard. Even if you know your subject matter like the back of your hand, it's not always easy to put pen to paper. In this short article, I want to offer up a simple format that you can easily deploy in every single article you ever write.

How to Set Up a New Website A-Record in GoDaddy
Now that we've designed a brand new website, it's time for launch. To do this, we're going to need to adjust your domain's A record. Don't worry, it's super easy.

14 Tips for Amazing Web Photos | Guide to Website Photography
Photography can make or break your online presence. A quick look around on the sites and social accounts you find the most attractive usually reveals that killer photography or videography is at the heart of aesthetics. But what if you don’t have the budget to produce professional grade imagery? You do it yourself!

Winning Attention: A Plan for Content Creation
We all know that businesses need to commit to creating quality, sharable and compelling content to attract and retain net new online business. Whether your marketing and advertising spend is measured in hundreds or millions, producing good stuff continuously very likely will mean the difference between winning and losing in the long term.
But how?

Embedding Videos
Embed videos easily onto your web pages. First upload to your Youtube or Vimeo accounts, then copy the url and paste into the video embed element.

Already a failed new year’s resolution…
Technology is moving so fast and we've done so many killer things that I think we're doing our community a bit of a disservice by not sharing some best (and worst) practices once in a while.

What is Value Driven Website Design?
The old way of building websites is completely broken. Consider a value driven website design approach to mitigate risk, stay flexible, and deliver effect.

How to redesign a website in 2020
Learn why the traditional website redesign process is completely broken and how to protect yourself from business risk associated with redesigning a site.